When I lived in Chester, one of my absolute favourite ways to pass the day when I wasn't working was hunting around charity shops for goodies. And if it wasn't me finding little treasures, it was little miss Celia bringing fab treats back to the hostel.
Four years on, I FINALLY moved all of my stuff out of my parents house, and one of the coolest things I discovered was a little flower stencil book...something I think Celia brought me in Chester. I think I am unable to ever throw anything away...which I think is sometimes a pretty good thing.
So I decided to put the Rose stencil to good use and make this cushion cover...
I am actually pretty proud of this little cover! I think it's almost a bit christmassy...and I just love the pattern. Plus I liked trying out a different technique using fabric paint, rather than my usual felt and applique designs.

This was a really simple little project that has turned out pretty gosh darn perfect...to me :-)