Around 2am our airbed (I said we were camping, I didn't say we were roughing it completely) had pretty much completely deflated leading to us root around the tent looking for the foot pump in order to pump the bed back up and restore comfort.
The only thing is, our foot pump seemed to be somewhat unhappy with us needing it at this hour of the morning and let out a scream in protest everytime we pumped it up and down..."eeee, eeeee, EEEEEE!" There went us subtly trying to blow our bed up, gawd knows what the rest of the campsite thought we were up to.
Once we were up we headed to a car boot sale, where we decided to have breakfast, a grotty bacon sandwich and a coffee served to us by a Patsy from Ab Fab style woman who say "Right, ok" after everything. Her sidekick in this marquee cafe is a clumsy woman with a vicar's wife haircut, a floral top and pink jeans who spends most of her time picking up whatever she has happened to drop on the floor, cup, teabag, anything else that comes in to her possession.
Next up is the traditional country practice of ferret racing- I bet on Bubbles, the mister bets on Diesel and after a tense few seconds....they're off, though it's not exactly the Grand National as the four ferrets in the race take their time to crawl down the tunnels. Eventually Diesel emerges the winner (beating Bubbles by a whisker) and wins Paul a pound, hooray!
Once we've checked out all the car boot stalls, we head off to Corfe Castle, where after a wander through the woods, past a field of the biggest cows I've ever seen we get to the stunningly old fashioned village of Corfe. To the left is the castle and a knight complete with shiny colinder hat greets visitors at the entrance. We explore the castle ruins, and then settle down for a mini picnic of locally made sandwickes, crisps and juice...everything is produced locally here and it is all delicious!
Thanks to the sky opening up we spend the rest of the day driving around Dorset to avoid getting soaked.
Saturday night ended with a firework display, Sunday, the sky was full of a million stars and even more beautiful.